Post by RacinReaverPost by Dave DevinePost by RacinReaverYeah, I went out for some ice cream the other week with some friends,
and since service was taking forever we ordered some sodas. When we
got the bill it turned out those sodas cost us almost as much as the
ice cream itself! Not only that, but a friend showed up as we were
finishing our meal, the waitress brought refill and gave him a soda
and charged us an additional $2!
Back to water for me, too.
How can anyone write "soda" in a Pittsburgh food newsgroup ; )?
There's a fine line between stupid and clever.
Maybe I'm a troll in disguise. =p
Does anyone know why most restaurants seem to carry Coke products
instead of Pepsi ones?
You must be a troll! Most restaurant carry Pepsi products,
not Coke. I know because I'm a die-hard Coke drinker and
I get really pissed when I can't get Coke. Sheesh!
And I know what the restaurants *say* is the reason.
I've talked to a number of managers over the years to
complain about there not being any Coke, and why was that?
I've been told that Pepsi is cheaper so they make more
money on it. And also, there's some kind of rule that
they can't have both if it's a fountain in use (as opposed
to selling it in bottles or cans). Also the cost and trouble
of maintaining 2 separate fountain systems. And Pepsi won't
let you use their fountain to dispense Coke and vice versa.
Post by RacinReaverI'm a die hard Diet Pepsi drinker, but
whenever I go out and actually get a soda, I'm forced settle with diet
coke (or, as Kate mentioned, the possibility of foul water).
We must go to a completely different set of restaurants!!!
I recently (a year or two ago) had to quit going to Eat 'n
Park because they switched to Pepsi!!!! They had been a
Coke place as far back as I can remember - to the 1960's!!
I don't go there a lot but from time to time I get in the
mood for it. Now I have nowhere to go - hate Denny's, King's,
Post by RacinReaverAs someone that's not a huge fan of beer, it kills me they'll have 40
drinks in the back room, but I can't even get a glass of one of the
most common sodas out there. I wonder if they'd let me bring my own
That's what I'm determined to do some day. Also,
I often say, when asked what I'd like to drink,
say "Coke," and when they say they don't have any,
would I like Pepsi, instead, I say, "Hell, no! Could
you just run next door (or wherever close by you can
get a Coke) and get me one?" I know, I'm, truly evil.
So, I wonder if I bring my own Coke, will they charge
a corkage fee? Or maybe it should be called a "tabbage
fee". ;-)
Actually, I'd rather all restaurants switched to
canned sodas (pops, sodapops) because often the
stuff from the fountains has too much or too little
syrup and doesn't taste right. I'd much rather
have my Coke from a can and they could charge a lot
less for it!
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?